Are the most daring athletes at the Winter Olympics scared by what they do? The New York Times interviewed three dozen of the best winter sports athletes, many of them headed for the Beijing Games, to ask questions about their relationship with fear. In short, yes, they are scared. But it is more complex than that.
Director: Emily Rhyne
Cinematography: Noah Throop, Emily Rhyne, Mark Boyer, NMick Waggoner, George Knowles, Adam Wolffbrandt
Video Editors: Emily Rhyne, Mark Boyer
Story: John Branch, Joe Ward, Bedel Saget
Producers: Larry Buchanon, Bedel; Saget, Jeremy White, Joe Ward
Executive Producer: Mike Schmidt
Additional Production: Meg Felling, Abe Sater
Design: Umi Syam, Rumsey Taylor
Project Editors: Haeyoun Park, Destinée-Charisse Royal